Re: [Nolug] call for help: white papers to show my CIO regarding Linux, Unix & Oracle

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 25 Apr 2003 19:15:29 -0500
Message-Id: <1051316129.6974.57.camel@haggis>

On Fri, 2003-04-25 at 18:49, wrote:
> > Besides running The One True OS,
> <taking_the_piss>
> Oh, you mean Solaris on a big fat SunKitty or E-XXXX? ;)
> </taking_the_piss>

No. The Sun people really pissed off the CIO, so now the only Unix
in the shop is HP-UX on HP-9000.

> > our shop runs lots of HP-9000s
> > with HP-SUX & Oracle 9i.
> ^^^^^^
> FWIW, I've always referred to HP-UX as PH-UX. That nickname alone should
> frighten the pointy-headed ones. :)
> Sorry for not being too helpful. I'm just in a giddy mood from playing
> with Oracle9i all day in a badly intended environment.

Is Oracle really as DBA-intensive as I've heard?

> My child hacked into your honour student's computer

If the child was *really* on the honor roll, s/he would be using
Linux, behind a strict minimalist-Linux firewall kept strictly
up to date. Thus, your juvenile delinquent wouldn't be able to
touch the honor student's computer.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA |
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| An ad currently being run by the NEA (the US's biggest    |
| public school TEACHERS UNION) asks a teenager if he can   |
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| elements.                                                 |
| And they wonder why people think public schools suck...   |
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Received on 04/25/03

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