Re: [Nolug] call for help: white papers to show my CIO regarding Linux, Unix & Oracle

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 25 Apr 2003 21:33:35 -0500
Message-Id: <1051324414.6967.70.camel@haggis>

On Fri, 2003-04-25 at 20:10, wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-04-25 at 18:49, wrote:
> >> <taking_the_piss>
> >> Oh, you mean Solaris on a big fat SunKitty or E-XXXX? ;)
> >> </taking_the_piss>
> >
> > No. The Sun people really pissed off the CIO, so now the only Unix in
> > the shop is HP-UX on HP-9000.
> He *must* be pissed off if he's going with PH-UX. OTOH, be glad he's not
> going with AIX. If you've got DECs all over your shop, I'm surprised that
> the CIO didn't go with Tru-64.

It was a mainframe shop before we got the contracts that specified
VMS. Even now, all VMS development is handled by a different division,
and only the production boxen are here. Thus, they aren't very
wedded to legacy DEC stuff.

On a tangent: O9i Real Application Clusters got their technology
directly from Tru64 clusters, which was a port of VAXcluster

On another tangent: At a conference up in Nashua NH (where there are
VMS & Oracle engineering campuses right next to each other), someone
from VMS Engineering said that Itanium memory management and CPU
"protection" looks a lot like the VAX, and that Intel did it for a

> ObUptime: I adminned a Tru-64 box that had an uptime of over 1 year.
> Mostly because I kept certain bad people from rebooting it everytime getty
> puked.

Obviously PC-types, huh? I see it here, too. "NO!! You do *not*
need to reboot VMS because your application hangs!!!!!!!!!" These
people make me wonder how they graduated kindergarten.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA |
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Received on 04/25/03

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