Re: [Nolug] Political organisation

From: Scott Harney <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 07:06:59 -0500
Message-Id: <>

On Monday 09 June 2003 01:11 am, Ron Johnson wrote:
> It was my understanding that it was a general-purpose list for members
> of NOLUG, and thus everything is fair game unless subscribants ask
> that a thread be taken off-list.

For cryin' out loud. Discussion ought to be tangentially related to linux! I
realize people run off on a tangent but jeez. I could care less about your
various political and religious views. It BORES me and I usually spacebar
through it all. I am interested and read this list for Linux-related topics
and discussion like 99.99% of the other people here.

There. I've asked. Get this absurd thread off the list.

> If I'm wrong, Im sure we'd all like to know the rules.

You're wrong. If it helps you to think of it as a "rule" that discussion on
the New Orleans Linux User's Group list should generally be about Linux and
_related_ topics then think of it that way.[1] Disobedience of the rule
shall be met with the fierce punishment of hot grits being poured down the
back of your pants by Natalie Portman.

There's a newgroup call neworleans.general that's a perfect place for locals
wanting to rant on such random topics. Feel free to try it out.

[1] It floors me that this actually would need to be stated.

Scott Harney <>
"...and one script to rule them all."
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Received on 06/09/03

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