[Nolug] debian question

From: Joey Kelly <joey_at_joeykelly.net>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 21:54:51 +0000
Message-Id: <200308070251.h772pv027720@vkh.joeykelly.net>


I need to know what file is the equivalent of BSD/redhat/whatever's rc.local
file, or SuSE's boot.local file, that lets you start things at boot time, if
desired. Yes, I know there are better ways to start services, etc., but this
file (or perhaps a directory, I suppose) is for custom scripts that need to
be run at boot, right before the login prompt. I've searched my laptop
(woody) and asked the elitists in #debian, but no luck.


Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Computer Networking Consultant >
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Nolug mailing list
Received on 08/06/03

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