Joey Kelly <> writes:
> I need to know what file is the equivalent of BSD/redhat/whatever's
> rc.local file, or SuSE's boot.local file, that lets you start things
> at boot time, if desired. Yes, I know there are better ways to start
> services, etc., but this file (or perhaps a directory, I suppose) is
> for custom scripts that need to be run at boot, right before the
> login prompt. I've searched my laptop (woody) and asked the elitists
> in #debian, but no luck.
There is no such animal in Debian. you need to make an init script in
/etc/init.d/. Easiest way is to just copy an init script from another
app and modify it to suit your needs. Once you write your script run
/usr/sbin/update-rc.d to put it in the init structure. The man page
for update-rc.d has details. Usually you just do
"/usr/sbin/update-rc-d foo defaults 99". That will make your app the
last thing to run before boot time. If you have multiple apps at
position 99 they'll launch in alphabetical order.
/etc/init.d/README has some more detail and links to the full
sysvinit manual, though that's probably too much documentation
for what you want to do.
Welcome to "the right way to do it" in a SysV init setup. :)
On Solaris you have to make all the /etc/rc*.d/K99foo and
/etc/rc*.d/S99foo links yourself. And there's no facilities for
restart/reload/status or cool stuff like start-stop-daemon.
> Ideas?
> --
> Joey Kelly
> < Minister of the Gospel | Computer Networking Consultant >
> "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
> Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
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