Re: [Nolug] net connectivity via cellphones

From: Joey Kelly <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 17:26:59 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Thou spake:
>I have a friend that uses Sprint in the NO area and BR and can connect his
>laptop through his cell phone and access the internet.
I asked Sprint today about this, they confirmed an earlier comment a sales
rep told me: they don't sell the adapters anymore. I also talked to an AT&T
rep who used to work for Sprint, who verified this yet again, and told me
that Sprint occasionally monitors usage, and can cancel service if they find
someone still doing that.

Other findings:

Verizon: they can only do USB, and possibly bluetooth (I don't remember).
They can't locate a serial adapter, and don't know anything about infrared.

AT&T: they do serial, USB, IR and perhaps bluetooth (again, I don't
remember). They also do GSM (which I suppose is related to GPRS).

T-Mobile: they can do serial and bluetooth (not sure about USB and IR). This
company has few agreements with other providers, and can't do anything except
GSM/GPRS (no analog or otherwise non-GSM towers).

Nextel: They can do serial and USB, but their data speeds are limited to
19.2k. Apparently they are not doing GSM, but are passing data through one of
their regular digital voice channels (i.e. SLOW).

I'm guessing that Linux can talk IR with these phones, ditto for serial. I
don't know the speeds of these two physical layers as implemented with
cellphones, nor if these pass data as fast as regular GSM/GPRS streams.
Bluetooth under T-Mobile I know is fast, though (re: earlier reports from irc

Also, using USB is out under Linux (no drivers).

>Nolug mailing list

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Computer Networking Consultant >
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/09/03

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