Re: [Nolug] FEEDBACK: Security blame games

From: Alex McKenzie <>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 22:10:33 -0500
Message-ID: <>

-ray wrote:
> I don't think it would work... he might skim the warning the first time.
> Second time he just thinks "this damn warning again...". By the third
> time he's memorized exactly how many times to click and where to position
> the mouse cursor for each click, and will breeze right through the
> warnings.

I used to work with a luser that never read the beginning help message
box for his Palm software, including the [] Do not show this message
again box. He just breezed right to the OK button. He then asked me if
there was a way to get rid of the message.

Of course, I told him to RTFM.

Alex McKenzie
Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/09/03

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