Re: We are talking about the DMCA - Was: Re: [Nolug] Fwd: [IPG] Now the Shift Key is a DCMA Target

From: Manuel Lora <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 13:48:36 -0500
Message-Id: <1065811715.3209.13.camel@localhost.localdomain>

Also, they might be backing down due to pressure from other companies.
Here's where we go into conspiracy mode :)

If they had gone to court and _lost_, then it would set a precedent that
could potentially weaken that aspect of the DMCA and, thus, worrying the
RIAA and other groups and companies who are very interested in
controlling content.

That being said, I do not deny that it would have been a very bad PR
move if they had not backed down, that they could have also been under
pressure from shareholders to end the media circus. But it's also
possible that they were quickly asked/told to drop the case. Not out of
being nice to a lowly grad student, but to avoid undoing what media
companies have been doing for the last few years.


On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 13:16, Dustin Puryear wrote:
> At 01:40 PM 10/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> > > Okay, this is getting stupid. I have called and written both Senators and
> > > our Congressmen about this in the past. I suggest everyone do it again.
> > > This thing is going to stay on the books as long as we don't whine enough
> > > about it to the right people. It's that simple.
> >
> >The latest news from /. says that they're backing down.
> >
> >
> >
> >But, I agree, something's gotta be done about these stupid DMCA lawsuits.
> >I'm sure there is a /special/ place in hell for the fu^H^Hlaw makers who
> >cluelessly passed the DMCA.
> I don't know if the entire DMCA is bad law. However, there are portions
> that are notoriously dangerous to research and to basic rights of usage
> that we can all agree need to be fixed. Everyone should do their own
> research and then complain to their representatives if they don't like what
> they find. It's the only way things will change.
> ---
> Dustin Puryear
> ___________________
> Nolug mailing list

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Received on 10/10/03

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