Re: [Nolug] Mimedefang Spamassassin Bayesian learning

From: Tim Kelley <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 06:53:12 -0600
Message-Id: <>

On Monday 15 December 2003 15:10, J. Kent Busbee, Jr. wrote:
> I am using Mimedefang/Spamassassin on a FreeBSD box with some success.
> However, some nasty little spams slip through. So, I have been trying
> to use the sa-learn to get the Bayesian checker to correct the problem
> with no luck. I assumed that Mimedefang is calling up Spamassassin
> using user defang, which I created during the install. Mimedefang is
> running under user defang. After many sa-learns under the user defang,
> similar spams seem to keep getting through.


I don't use Bayes with SA, after reading the docs I felt it was too much
effort to keep it accurate, and you should only use it if you're gonna spend
a lot of time keeping it accurate. So unless I was maintaining an
installation serving many people, I would not bother. However, it would not
be that much trouble to set up a spam account you could "bounce" the messages
to, and set up some cron jobs to run sa-learn on the messages you "bounced"
to it, but you need a mail client like mutt, that can send on (bounce) a
message without actually "forwarding" it.

I think you will find you can get a heck of a lot of mileage by simply jacking
up the score of certain filters. Many of them , such as WEB_BUGS, are almost
certainly spam, you can raise them to 4.5 or 5 if you like. Just change them
in your Also make sure you're using razor and all the blacklists.

entropy @ [ New Orleans, LA ]
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Received on 12/18/03

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