I have had some success with Mimedefang/SpamAssassin, but now I am
getting spam with what seems like nothing but random words. I suspect
that this is an html picture only email and that Mimedefang strips the
picture off. Or, is there something more sinister afoot, like the
spammers trying to mess up my bayes system?
What can I do about these messages? I'm not sure that bayesian learning
would be a good idea.
Where can I go to find out what Mimedefang is stripping out, if
Thanks for any help. (I figured I am not the only one fighting this...)
Here is an example:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Vickers [mailto:kwuscnfkafff@msn.com]
> Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 11:21 PM
> To: contests@penwel.com; vitamins@penwel.com;
> greg@penwel.com; program@penwel.com; engine@penwel.com;
> juice@penwel.com; kathy@penwel.com; here@penwel.com
> Subject: affirmation paraboloid howsomever froth finland
> cruelty astronomic deject entity ovate malaysia bloodshot
> entity adieu mechanism holdout
> present onrushing committeewomen epicurean rudy
Nolug mailing list
Received on 01/06/04
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