Re: [Nolug] Wireless Linux Drivers?

From: Alex McKenzie <>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 09:14:22 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

What's really notable about this is the fact that the wrapper is open
source; people had been using the Linuxant wrapper to do the same thing up
until recently, especially on the Centrino cards.

So in this race for Linux support, we have an independent software vendor
being first to market, then the OSS community right on its heels. And
speaking of heels, Intel is still dragging theirs over this, they've
recently announced that a driver is indevelopment for Centrino cards, but
no details or release date is available.

BTW--which BC card did you get? I just ordered an I8600, and sprung for
the True Mobile 1300, which is b/g IIRC, where the Intel 2100 is just b.
But they are both BC chipsets I believe.

Alex McKenzie
<quote who="Brad Bendily">
> Does anyone have a Broadcom wireless card in
> a laptop that you want to get drivers for?
> Well there aren't any drivers, but some
> wonderful folks have decided to produce a
> workaround for this problem. Thank God that
> someone found the time and decency to do this.
> It's not only broadcom drivers, but several other
> cards don't have linux support either.
> NDISWrapper basically presents the windows driver
> to the Linux kernel through their wrapper.
> I just thought I'd pass this along, I got my dell
> laptop at work about 6 months ago and I looked
> for drivers then to no avail. I decided to start
> looking again a few days ago and found the ndiswrapper
> project. I got it installed and working. However,
> because I have Suse9 on my laptop I ended up using
> v .3 of ndiswrapper instead of the latest v .4.
> Good luck!
> --
> Brad Bendily - CNA
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Received on 03/04/04

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