Re: [Nolug] Samba 3 Question

Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 19:14:09 -0600
Message-ID: <87k71gl3q6.fsf@minorthreat.local.lan>

Roetto Mike B CONT SSGC <RoettoMB@SUPSHIP.NAVY.MIL> writes:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have any experience with the ancillary utilities included in
> Samba Version 3?
> Basically I'm trying to find a linux way of doing the windows command "net
> view" , which enumerates the servers and workstations in a Windows
> domain/workgroup.
> Supposedly Samba 3 includes a "net" utility, but I'll be damned if I can get
> it to work. I get the following:
> # net rpc -U domain\username samdump

Have you tried the forward slash or escaping the backslash which has a
different meaning in *nix shells?
# net rpc -U //domain/username samdump
# net rpc -U \\\\domain\\username samdump

don't know, just guessing here.

> [2004/03/19 15:08:25, 0] utils/net_rpc_samsync.c:rpc_samdump(223)
> Could not fetch trust account password
> Has anyone ventured down similar roads?
> Thanks,
> -mike
> -----------------------------------------
> Michael Roetto
> AAC Inc., Network Administrator
> "Just because you're paranoid,
> doesn't mean they really aren't
> out to get you"
> -----------------------------------------
> ___________________
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Scott Harney<>
"Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong answers"
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