On 4/17/04 2:33 PM, "Ron Johnson" <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-04-17 at 13:44, Simon Dorfman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Here are a couple NOLUG logo ideas in pdf format:
>> http://www.SimonDorfman.com/misc/Simons_NOLUGlogoIdea1.pdf
>> http://www.SimonDorfman.com/misc/Simons_NOLUGlogoIdea2.pdf
>> Let me know what you think. And feel free to open them up in
>> Illustrator (or your vector editing app of choice) and improve or take
>> them in a new direction or whatever.
> The images look nice. Are you planning on making them 3D?
No plans to make them 3d.
> Can I ask why they aren't in PNG, TIFF, JPG, etc? PDF seems an
> odd choice when there are so many open, purpose-built graphic file
> formats.
Posted PDF so they are still in vector format so other people can edit them
further if they desire. If one is chosen as the logo, I would export it to
a GIF (for file size and browser compatibility reasons), unless y'all get
out the "GIF sucks, PNG rules" argument on me. Then I'd futilely argue that
GIF has more widespread support, while y'all tell the GIF stories of woe.
:) Or something like that.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/17/04
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