Re: links to qmail queue fix apps was Re: [Nolug] qmail backup strategy

From: John D. Tiedeman <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 09:56:15 -0500
Message-ID: <>

John Hebert wrote:

>--- Dustin Puryear <> wrote:
>>The real trick with qmail is that you can't restore
>>files straight from a
>>backup. The filename of files in a qmail queue are
>>based on the inodes.
>>During a restore the chances of you restoring to the
>>same inode are close to
>>zero, so the restored filename will be wrong. There
>>are tools that will
>>rename the files appropriately that are linked to at
>>the qmail website. Be
>>sure to get familiar with one of them before you
>>need to do a real restore.
>Ah, I didn't know that. Thanks for keeping me
>Here is the info that Dustin mentioned, which I found
>on one of the mirrored sites on
>I assume all of the mirrored sites listed are in sync
>(man, that's a screwy way to do that). I've copied the
>_embedded_links_ below the quote:
># Eric Huss has released _queue-fix 1.4_. It repairs
>or generates a qmail queue structure. You can use this
>to help move your queue location, or if you regenerate
>the file system and the inode numbering changes. It
>will also fix permissions and ownerships of the files.
>Eric reports that Matthew Harrell wrote a
>_patch_to_queue-fix_ which makes it work with Russ
>Nelson's _big-todo_ patch. Patches upon patches!
># Harald Hanche-Olsen has a shell/awk/gnu-find script
>which _renames_a_queue_so that it has the right
>filenames (corresponding to inodes).
>Sorry if I confused anyone!
>John Hebert
>Do you Yahoo!?
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>Nolug mailing list
I used to have the same problem restoring CompuServe mail files. I quit
CS about four years ago for other reasons, so don't know if this is
still true.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/20/04

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