I had similar problem with my PHP cronjob.
I was instructed to use full path to the executable. Otherwise cron does
not find it. The same solution probably works for this too.
Late thank you for the person who came up with the solution. It worked and
already saved me from losing 9Gb of important stuff this past week.
Petri (lazy top poster.....)
> Hi,
> I've got this in my user's crontab, but it doesn't seem
> to work.
> #!/bin/sh
> */5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/run_fetchmail.sh # this works!
> # this doesn't. I want to run it at 00:03:00 on the 1st
> # day of each month. The "\" continuation characters were
> # added by me just now, to make it easier to read in the
> # email.
> 3 0 1 * * (mv ~/mailfilter.log \
> ~/mailfilter-`date --date '1 month ago' +"%Y-%m"`.log \
> && touch ~/mailfilter.log)
> Running the command interactively works fine, so it
> must be something simple that I'm missing.
> Thanks
> --
> Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net>
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