The way I've allways solved these things was to put
the thing I wanted to run into a script. Then, I have
cron execute the script.
Wouldn't that simplify the syntax a whole bunch?
Wouldn't that make it really easy to maintain?
--- Ron Johnson <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got this in my user's crontab, but it doesn't
> seem
> to work.
> #!/bin/sh
> */5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ # this
> works!
> # this doesn't. I want to run it at 00:03:00 on the
> 1st
> # day of each month. The "\" continuation
> characters were
> # added by me just now, to make it easier to read in
> the
> # email.
> 3 0 1 * * (mv ~/mailfilter.log \
> ~/mailfilter-`date --date '1 month ago'
> +"%Y-%m"`.log \
> && touch ~/mailfilter.log)
> Running the command interactively works fine, so it
> must be something simple that I'm missing.
> Thanks
> --
> Ron Johnson <>
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