I think I have some 2+ gig hard drives laying around. I'll give you one
for free if you need it.
Let me know.
James Kyle
On Jun 14, 2004, at 9:53 PM, Andrew S. Johnson wrote:
> While I was on vacation in Colorado, my machine apparently had a mild
> stroke.
> It was still up, but it wouldn't allow new connections until I
> reinitialized
> networking. It was dumb for a week. Naturally, everything at work
> and home
> breaks the first day I'm out of town. Is it just me, or does this
> happen to
> anyone else?
> Anyway, my boot drive has 88 bad blocks in the root partition. Some
> programs
> still run, but ps isn't one of them. The MB won't support a drive with
> more
> than 32 GB, so it needs to be smaller than that. I have an 850 MB
> drive, but
> it isn't big enough. Anything more than 2 gigs should be enough. The
> box
> itself is a K6-300 so I'm not inclined to spend much money on it, but
> I'm not
> above spending a reasonable amount.
> Thanks,
> Andy Johnson
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