Re: [Nolug] Non-working computer

From: James Scott <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 23:18:53 -0500
Message-Id: <>

On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 14:08, John D. Tiedeman wrote:
> My main computer has been out for a couple of weeks. I moved the hd to
> my backup but had a scare yesterday when the backup would no longer
> respond to the pointing device. That problem "solved itself" today, but
> it was a scare!
I am trying to put a name to a face here. Maybe I just haven't been to
enough meetings.
> Originally, the now non-working computer said that all three of the hds
> were invalid boot media, but all three worked in this one.
The last time this happened to me I had a floppy in the drive.
> I had been
> trying to get my CF memory reader working and don't know whether this
> caused a problem or not, but it doesn't seem likely. Now it no longer
> gets that far--it gets through "Building DMA pool" or something similar,
> then just hangs there.
I would check master slave settings if this is IDE. I had this problem
once and found the answer in google. I don't remember the solution but
I remember I caused the problem somehow.
> Is this likely to be a mobo or BIOS problem?
It is most likely a configuration error.
> If so, I won't mind
> damaging the mobo to get it out (one screw is cross-threaded). If it's
> more likely to be a CPU problem, I'll have to figure out how to get that
> out without removing the mobo. I can't see the fastener well enough to
> get it loose, and my memory isn't that good (I think it has been in for
> a couple of years). To my mind, the BIOS is the most likely suspect, but
> would like a couple of others' opinions.
To get cf card reader up as long as is a standard usb device and not
some sort of multi card reader requiring special driver: mount /dev/sda1
/mnt/whatever name you want. Just create the directory first. If this
does not work you need a new one. 20 bucks at the local camera store.
Any simple one that does not have packaged drivers will do.
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> Nolug mailing list

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