[Nolug] Non-working computer

From: John D. Tiedeman <jdtiede_at_sstar.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 14:08:43 -0500
Message-ID: <40D33DBB.8020807@sstar.com>

My main computer has been out for a couple of weeks. I moved the hd to
my backup but had a scare yesterday when the backup would no longer
respond to the pointing device. That problem "solved itself" today, but
it was a scare!

Originally, the now non-working computer said that all three of the hds
were invalid boot media, but all three worked in this one. I had been
trying to get my CF memory reader working and don't know whether this
caused a problem or not, but it doesn't seem likely. Now it no longer
gets that far--it gets through "Building DMA pool" or something similar,
then just hangs there.

Is this likely to be a mobo or BIOS problem? If so, I won't mind
damaging the mobo to get it out (one screw is cross-threaded). If it's
more likely to be a CPU problem, I'll have to figure out how to get that
out without removing the mobo. I can't see the fastener well enough to
get it loose, and my memory isn't that good (I think it has been in for
a couple of years). To my mind, the BIOS is the most likely suspect, but
would like a couple of others' opinions.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/18/04

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