On 6/29/04 9:11 PM, "Joey Kelly" <joey@joeykelly.net> wrote:
>> [2004-06-29 04:27:33] WARN TCPServer Error: Address family not supported
>> by protocol - socket(2)
> Um, this looks bad.
> No, what's happening is that it's just not running. Do this:
> netstat -an | grep -i listen
> I'll bet there isn't anything running on that port.
Joey, I ran that command and it IS listening on port 2500.
> As far as getting lynx or any browser to hit anything on a non-standard port
> (port 80 is standard), you have to specify the port:
> lynx http://address:port
I have the syntax right. It's loading but it's
showing an error page:
Internal Server Error
No such file or directory -
WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.8.2/2004-06-28) at
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Received on 06/30/04
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