Re: [Nolug] Instiki

From: Joey Kelly <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:11:02 -0500
Message-Id: <>

On Tuesday 29 June 2004 8:04 pm, Simon Dorfman spake:
> So I was looking for a wiki and I found one with a lot of cool features:

> [2004-06-29 04:27:33] WARN TCPServer Error: Address family not supported
> by protocol - socket(2)

Um, this looks bad.

> [2004-06-29 04:27:33] INFO Your WEBrick server is now running on
> http://localhost:2500
> Any idea what that error on the third line means?
> I try connecting to http://www.mydomainname.tld:2500/
> And it times out. My webhost must not allow connections to this port.

No, what's happening is that it's just not running. Do this:

netstat -an | grep -i listen

(hey, Scott!)

I'll bet there isn't anything running on that port.

As far as getting lynx or any browser to hit anything on a non-standard port
(port 80 is standard), you have to specify the port:

lynx http://address:port

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
"I may have invented it, but Bill made it famous."
 --- David Bradley, the IBM employee that invented CTRL-ALT-DEL
Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/29/04

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