[Nolug] Instiki

From: Simon Dorfman <EmailLists_at_SimonDorfman.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 20:04:19 -0500
Message-ID: <BD077BC3.BFEA%EmailLists@SimonDorfman.com>

So I was looking for a wiki and I found one with a lot of cool features:
Features I like:
-Automatic per page revision history
-uses markdown (http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown)
-friendly urls
-claims to have a very easy install process (not for me though, see below)

It's written in ruby. So I got my webhost to install ruby. Then I
downloaded and unzipped and ran the one step install command:
$ ruby instiki.rb
[2004-06-29 04:27:33] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2004-06-29 04:27:33] INFO ruby 1.8.2 (2004-06-28) [i686-linux]
[2004-06-29 04:27:33] WARN TCPServer Error: Address family not supported by
protocol - socket(2)
[2004-06-29 04:27:33] INFO Your WEBrick server is now running on

Any idea what that error on the third line means?

I try connecting to http://www.mydomainname.tld:2500/
And it times out. My webhost must not allow connections to this port.
Before trying to get instiki working on port 80 following the faq
recommendations (http://www.instiki.org/show/RunningInstikiOnPortEighty), I
sshed into the server and tried connecting to using the text
web-browser ³links². It showed:

Internal Server Error
No such file or directory -
WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.8.2/2004-06-28) at

That leads me to believe that error from above needs to be fixed first
before I'm going to be able to get this working.

There is no "storage" directory. I wonder if the install script was
supposed to create that..

Any help much appreciated.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/29/04

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