Re: [Nolug] Meeting Thursday --- small Linux distros

From: Joey Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:02:02 -0500
Message-Id: <>

On Thursday 15 July 2004 6:52 am, Christoph Boget spake:
> > Where are the meetings held? And at what time? How many
> > people typically attend?
> > Around 8 ppl... and should I say Pizza :)
> Ok, that answered my last question. What about the first 2?
> They are by far the most important. :p

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
"I may have invented it, but Bill made it famous."
 --- David Bradley, the IBM employee that invented CTRL-ALT-DEL
Nolug mailing list
Received on 07/15/04

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