Re: [Nolug] long signature

From: John Kosta <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 13:17:25 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Ron Johnson wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 11:06 -0500, Brad Bendily wrote:

>>Also, most emails are 1 line long, with about 30 lines of sig+conf
>>If you need it at work then use it for work, but not for posting on
>>news groups or personal emails!
> It's usually corporate policy that all emails from said domain
> have such lawyer-created BS.
> The solution is to use Yahoo or Gmail. But not Hotmail!

Bad corporate policy.


akintayo writes "Recently more amd more organisations have required
email sent from their accounts to contain an attached disclaimer. This
disclaimer is supposed to describe the recipient's rights to 'use' that
email. This slate article analyzes the legality and impact of one such
disclaimer, and finds it somewhat lacking."

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Received on 07/23/04

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