I havent really looked into which political party I am in... not because I
dont care about what happens to our country but because I dont like any of
them and I will explain why..
The entire year before an election government work slows in one aspect so
that the current president can "campaigne" NEXT millions of dollars are
spent on signs and parties to advertise that candidate. Now if I were the
current president I would take those funds and put them to good use.. hey I
know that there are a lot of schools around here that need computers, am I
right? If you dont know who the hell Bush is then you need to go back under
your rock and stay there. There is no need to spend money on a Bush sign
when our public schools lack educational materials and our teachers get paid
as much as cashiers at winn dixie.
I'd go more into detail but I am going to a meeting and dont have the time.
>From: Joey Kelly <joey@joeykelly.net>
>Reply-To: nolug@joeykelly.net
>To: nolug@joeykelly.net
>Subject: Re: [Nolug] Interesting
>Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 17:15:58 -0500
> >
> > Sounds like Microsoft is employing the same techniques as the
>To everyone on the list:
>We had a few complaints about last week's political discussion. When making
>generalizations about someone else's politics or religion, please remember
>that the other guy might take offense at your statements.
>Joey Kelly
>< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
>"I may have invented it, but Bill made it famous."
> --- David Bradley, the IBM employee that invented CTRL-ALT-DEL
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