Re: [Nolug] Linux-friendly DSL providers

From: Jeremy (mailing list box) <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:29:59 -0600
Message-ID: <>

John Souvestre wrote:
> There are about 8 other configurations (higher speeds and
symmetrical speeds)
> but they are priced much higher, so they aren't sold all that much.

John, do you have a list of those ? I know someone who is itching for
some higher speeds at their office.

> BellSouth is gradually upgrading their DSLAMS from ADSL to ADSL2+. This will
> allow for much greater speeds for those within a mile or two of the DSLAM. I
> think that in the long run (years...) they plan to have DSLAMs in every
> neighborhood. This would allow access in the 20M range.

Also, do you know of anywhere on the BS corporate site where this
information can be found ? For example, do they have a deployment
schedule ? I know they used to have a spreadsheet that listed the
planned and actual activation days for lit COs, but I was wondering if
something similar existed for this upgrade.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 11/30/04

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