[Nolug] fedora core 4

From: Trey Fox <mstcoastie_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 20:46:32 -0600
Message-ID: <4aee83d505022218468b2b4f9@mail.gmail.com>

is fedora worth it. when 4 is released i may check it out. just
wanted to know if it is worth it for me. i have to keep a user
friendly distro on my pc for my wife and any guests we have.

Trey Fox
MST3 Fox
Situational Assistant Controller
Coast Guard Sector New Orleans
Integrated Command Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
Got Tux?
Suse 9.1
Nolug mailing list
Received on 02/23/05

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