Re: [Nolug] fedora core 4

From: Alex McKenzie <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 23:12:19 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Why bother dual booting for the wife and guests? As long as your system
is well configured, (adn you're doing all of the admin duties) you
shouldn't have to switch OSes. She might prefer KDE and you something
else, but that's a user account problem.

Hi, I'm Alex. I also lurk, and miss all the meetings, because of
school. But I'm on the wiki ;)

Alex McKenzie   skype:boxchain
"We're making the right decisions to bring the solution to an end." - 
George W. Bush
Trey Fox wrote:
> is fedora worth it. when 4 is released  i may check it out. just
> wanted to know if it is worth it for me. i have to keep a user
> friendly distro on my pc for my wife and any guests we have.
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Received on 02/23/05

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