Re: [Nolug] new meeting room at UNO

From: Jeremy (mailing list box) <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 21:03:17 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Joey Kelly wrote:
> The new meeting room is 322, and it's the first lab on the left, as you enter
> the building from the outside stairwell. There is probably an elevator
> somewhere for those that don't want to do stairs.

If things haven't changed since I was a CS major four plus years ago,
that's the Software Development Laboratory. Its equipped with about
40 Sun Ultra 1 or 2 workstations running Solaris. Its a nice room.

The elevator to get to the third floor is located by the first floor
auditorium. Its directly in front of the entrance on the lake (north)
side of the building.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 03/12/05

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