Re: [Nolug] MythTV

From: Jeffrey Brite <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:22:05 -0500
Message-ID: <20050626.YRn.25213600@>

I've been playing around with it here and there. I had to put my myth project
aside on the account that I was changing clients and other stuff.

I was playing with 2 setups...
    -One was personal that outputed to a monitor, ends up that my power supply
did do so well when I added the tuner card and dvdplayer...
    -The other myth project I had was for my mom and was using a nvidia video
card outputting to a TV. That project had problems too... I had to put it
aside because I was changing clients, but what I remember concluding is that
my tuner card and nvidia tv out wasn't working well together, so I bought a
ATI Radeon, but like I said, I havn't had time to finish the job (In part
because my mom lives on the Northshore).

The rumor is that Myth is harder to set up than Freevo, but has more features.
 I did have problems like I said, but none of it was releated to myth. Myth
was easy to install for me because there was an apt source for Debian so....
you know the story.

I hadn't tried multi cards yet and I forget if the dvd player worked (though I
hadn't had a problem with dvd's under linux before. Hopfully this week I can
start working on that project again and I can tell you where I'm at.


James Faircloth ( wrote:
> Are any of you running MythTV? If so, are you using multiple tuners
> and/or multiple machines to do the work? Are you viewing dvds on it?
> James
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Received on 06/26/05

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