Thanks, Joey. Don't know why I didn't think of the power supply. I dragged out my p.s. tester, such as it is, and got nothing. Then I tried it on this system and found I had to wiggle it. Did the same on the other system and got a test light when I heard the fans. Does that mean I should send the mobo back at this point?On Sunday August 21 2005 13:24, John D. Tiedeman spake:After several days of running without a problem, my other system, with new mobo, CPU and memory, emitted a pop (as if there had been a short) about a second after I turned it on. When I turn it on now I hear nothing but the fans and see nothing but a few flashes on the CD-ROM light (and the fans turning if I use a flashlight). There seems to be no visible evidence of a short and the monitor says it's in power save mode and to use the PC to activate for about 30 sec., then goes dark. How can I diagnose what is wrong?Something blew up. Either in the power supply or on the board, but something blew. It might be a fuse, or an actual component.
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