RE: [Nolug] City to set up Wi-Fi network

From: Brett D. Estrade <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 22:16:20 -0600
Message-Id: <>

On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 22:03:01 -0600, "John Souvestre" <>
> - These units require AC power, don't they? They sit on top of light
> polls?
> Have you driven New Orleans at night? Only about half of the street
> lights
> work (in the populated areas).

20-25 units are required for 1 square mile - I am sure there are at
least 25 working lamps in that area. There are fairly tall buildings.
I am not sure if they are still in business, but I Air2Lan got into the
NO market in 2001 and were pushing wireless Internet. I think they used
microwave, but they had a lot of units in high places.

> I fail to see the "emergency" justification. The business isn't going to
> open
> unless their phone works. If their phone works generally DSL will too.
> Out
> of all of the customers I have in the N.O. area, only two have phone
> service
> without DSL.

Seems like an emergency here to me.

> And let's remember: The City of New Orleans is broke. This just puts
> them
> more into the red. I look for them to ramp it up and then sell it at a
> nice
> profit to some operating company.

Reagan is turning in his grave - deficit spending is the American way.
I believe that Nagin truly sees that is an economic catylist, and if I
tend to agree - though I don't have the business background he does.


~Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet~
Nolug mailing list
Received on 11/29/05

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