Re: [Nolug] monthly meeting query

From: A. Murat Eren <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 00:03:19 -0400
Message-Id: <>


On Wednesday 26 April 2006 21:15, Joey Kelly wrote:
> I want a head count of those who are interested in attending a monthly
> NOLUG meeting, like we used to do before Katrina.

 I'm new in New Orleans and I would like to join your meetings.

> I am willing to discuss moving the meetings away from UNO, and also
> altering the date/time, if that will make attendance more attractive.

 The place of the meetings wouldn't be important so much for me as far as I
could find the place :)


- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
 A. Murat Eren
 meren at
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 Gnome seems to be developed by interface nazis,
 where consistently the excuse for not doing
 something is not "it's too complicated to do",
 but "it would confuse users" (Linus).

Nolug mailing list

Received on 04/26/06

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