Re: [Nolug] Re: Forum

From: Fritz <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 18:12:49 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I am a bit of a lurker. I have been on the list for about 5 years, since I
worked with Joey at Fastband. I am more of a programmer than sysadmin, and
used to attend meetings occasionally. Nice to meet you.

As far as things clogging up the inbox, you could switch to digest mode, you
could set up an incoming mail filter, adapt an email managment strategy
(Getting Things Done - 0 Inbox?), or we could switch to a forum.

As far as the list replying snidely to your comments, I am not sure how a
switch in delivery method from mailing list to forum will fix that. I am
glad that you stuck around despite someone thinking that telling you to RTFM
is original or helpful.

-- Fritz

On 9/11/06, Mark Gunnell <> wrote:
> Fritz, i'm glad this email thread inspired you to contribute. i've never
> met you before nor have i heard from you on the mailing list. maybe these
> discussions will rouse others to contribute more as well.
> however, for those of us that check sites everyday (like news sites, tech
> sites, forums, subject matter specific sites, etc), checking a forum is
> simple. as human beings, we will dedicate energy to something that
> interests us. if no one is posting interesting information to the net, it
> will be unread whether its medium is a mailing list or a forum.
> and honestly, i would rather have that stuff put into a forum so i can
> ignore it than clogging up my email box.
> i've asked a few questions to this mailing list and actually was replied
> to snidely that i should log on to a user group/forum and ask the question.
> that turned me off to asking any more questions here. and besides a few
> small pockets of expertise (joey, trey, et al), there is more information
> widely available on a forum than in our own LUG.
> i'd be curious to see how many LUGs participate in mailing lists as their
> primary means of distributing and sharing information.
> use
> *Fritz <>* wrote:
> I dont know how everyone manages the information glut out there. I use
> two things: my email, and bloglines. If you were to dissolve the mailing
> list and force me to check yet another website to see if anyone had posted
> something, honestly, I would probably never do it. Why? Because forums
> require a certain conversation level to remain active. Why log on every day
> for a week to see 2-3 posts made in that time span? Mailing lists tie into
> something that is indispensible to most people, and therefore will be
> checked.
> NOLUG with the current level of traffic would probably completely die if
> you forced it to go to a forum format.
> As far as no one learning anything, I havent seen many questions. I guess
> some more traffic in the FYI / new developments category would be
> interesting, but as someone who doesnt use linux myself currently, I cant
> really contribute.
> Unrelated, but I have another idea for a meeting topic. If anyone has
> some good solid experience using GnuCash for a personal / small business
> accounting package, I would like to hear about that. I was thinking of a
> mix of best accounting practices for a personal budget and a small company,
> and exploration of the GnuCash feature set. If no one has experience / or
> is willing to put something together, I might research and do it, but that
> would probably take me till early next year with my current free time
> availibility.
> -- Fritz
> On 9/11/06, Mark Gunnell <> wrote:
> >
> > i have to jump on here about the "opportunities to be apathetic"
> > statement. joey, don't take this personally, but you're the president of
> > this organization. calling the activities of its denizens apathetic doesn't
> > seem very positive nor is it very 'leader-like'.
> >
> > i'm with trey. what we're doing right now isn't working. we have half
> > a dozen participants and no one is really learning anything. if trey wants
> > to make a forum, i'm all for it. in fact, i'd rather use that than this
> > mailing list. mailing lists are very old technology. why not move into
> > some other venues. rss maybe sometime? forum and new websites are better
> > than what we have now.
> >
> > we need some injection of life into this organization... or disolve it -
> > one way or another. it's dead already... someone just needs to kick some
> > dirt on it.
> >
> > that's just my opinion, i could be wrong.
> >
> > trey, i'm logging onto your forum right now.
> >
> > *Joey Kelly <>* wrote:
> >
> > On Sunday 10 September 2006 08:54, Trey Fox wrote:
> > > Well if we make our own forum, it will be open more open to the
> > public. I
> > > know that there are a lot of people who don't really like mailing
> > lists.
> > > Some people are more comfortable with forums. It also becomes a way to
> >
> > > better watch the content, and remove unwanted content.
> >
> > Back when Scott ran the website, he set up PHPBB or whatever, which
> > lasted
> > about a year or so. Few people posted to it.
> >
> > Anyhow, we have a mailing list, a wiki, an irc channel, and now a
> > weblog, and
> > there isn't a lot of activity on any of these forums. IMHO, adding more
> > opportunities for people to be apathetic is a lose-lose proposition.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Joey Kelly
> > < Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
> >
> >
> > How many spyware pop-ups did you get on your Windows computer today?
> >
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Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/11/06

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