Re: [Nolug] Re: Forum

From: rado <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 19:47:04 -0500
Message-Id: <>

On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 14:33 -0700, Mark Gunnell wrote:
> i have to jump on here about the "opportunities to be apathetic"
> statement. joey, don't take this personally, but you're the president
> of this organization. calling the activities of its denizens
> apathetic doesn't seem very positive nor is it very 'leader-like'.
> i'm with trey. what we're doing right now isn't working. we have
> half a dozen participants and no one is really learning anything. if
> trey wants to make a forum, i'm all for it. in fact, i'd rather use
> that than this mailing list. mailing lists are very old technology.
> why not move into some other venues. rss maybe sometime? forum and
> new websites are better than what we have now.
> we need some injection of life into this organization... or disolve it
> - one way or another. it's dead already... someone just needs to kick
> some dirt on it.
> that's just my opinion, i could be wrong.
> trey, i'm logging onto your forum right now.
> Joey Kelly <> wrote:
> On Sunday 10 September 2006 08:54, Trey Fox wrote:
> > Well if we make our own forum, it will be open more open to
> the public. I
> > know that there are a lot of people who don't really like
> mailing lists.
> > Some people are more comfortable with forums. It also
> becomes a way to
> > better watch the content, and remove unwanted content.
> Back when Scott ran the website, he set up PHPBB or whatever,
> which lasted
> about a year or so. Few people posted to it.
> Anyhow, we have a mailing list, a wiki, an irc channel, and
> now a weblog, and
> there isn't a lot of activity on any of these forums. IMHO,
> adding more
> opportunities for people to be apathetic is a lose-lose
> proposition.
> --
> Joey Kelly
> < Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
whoa...c'mon let's just settle some...I am new to nolug but not that new
to linux or the net but I feel input might help either way. As far as
Joey's concerned. I think I know where he's coming from... you mess
w/the net you messing w/the world! for instance, just last week a friend
and I were talking some things out. It's one thing when you have a local
owned "storefront" business but than another when you wanna take your
storefront business national on the web! It's an entirely new ball game.
I mentioned that just to realate what the reality is here. Nolug is a
very general, unix style user's group. I say general because in a sense,
Linux is really a huge subject the diff distros etc.
My own way of doing it is that I get my main info thru my disto and of
course, google. Granted hey we have one major thing in common
linux...and yes, a certain amount of applications etc that we all use is
good beneficial material to discuss...local work in our
interest....stuff like that but to be a really full blown yahoo kinda
deal (way overboard) or to really expect to be a whole lot more active
seems kinda tuff IMHO just because of the nature of the club and the
reality of what the web really does for us all. Hey, I'm w/you guys;
whatever y'all decide is cool by me. I run 5 linux and 1 windows box so
I always got a ton on my table to do. whether it be writin code...admin
or whatever. All my comm I like it just the way I do thru msg list and
irc for efficiency. This is just me and no matter how you guys wanna go
w/this is fine by me but I can sure see where Joey's coming from. lol,
country as I am...don't use those .50 words...geez what's apathetic
anyway? lol.

thx' y'all

John Rose

Ever notice the look on your neighbor's face when you start talking
about linux? ...has no clue!
Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/11/06

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