[Nolug] Fwd: Project Notification

From: Joey Kelly <joey_at_joeykelly.net>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:11:34 -0500
Message-ID: <1c0063340703141411y42458375t1106828d7ede09e4@mail.gmail.com>


I didn't make this up (honest!). Read the project details below and laugh.


Profile ID: xxxx matches...
Title: Friendly IP Address
Project ID: xxxx

Category: Networking / Hardware / Telephone Systems
My business application requires consumers to enter an IP address in
their browser. I want to offer them an easy to remember IP address. I
am willing to buyout a server at an easy to remember address or come
to any other legal business arrangement that permits my customers to
reach my servers via friendly IP address. I am willing to pay up for
the right address as my business won't work if consumers have to type
something like I know IP addresses are not for sale
but if a server is at an attractive address or if a hosting provider
or company can allocate me a server at an attractive address, that
would be fine.

You can bid on one of following bases:
- you know IP address already and can get it for me. Bid how much you
will charge to get me address.
- you know how to find numerous IP addresses and will do the legwork
to find me a great address. In which case, provide a bid for
successfully finding address (I will make any payments to current user
separately). The server/address can be anywhere in world.

What is a good IP address:
Perfect: (not available)
Great:,,, etc.
Good:, 125,125.125.125, etc.
OK:,,, etc.
I am open to any clever number combination that is easily remembered.


Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
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Nolug mailing list
Received on 03/14/07

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