-----Original Message-----
> From: "Petri Laihonen" <pietu@weblizards.net>
> Sent 4/28/2007 12:33:53 PM
> To: nolug@nolug.org
> Subject: [Nolug] how to permanently save default gw
> How would I save default gateway setting?
> I have 2 network interfaces eth0 and eth1 respectfully.
> eth0 is the outside network connection with static IP
> eth1 is the internal connection getting IP from DHCP (and apparently
> route as well)
> For some reason the default gateway is been set to the eth1 using the
> route out from internal network. This prevent me from connecting to the
> server using outside network connection. (None of the services respond
> to connection attempts, except from internal network)
> When I connect to the server from internal network, and manually change
> the default gateway using "route" command, I get full functionality,
> which lasts until the next reboot, or network interface restart.
> Now the problem is that I would like the correct default gateway
> settings to be applied upon reboot, but I can not find any way to save
> the settings.
> Any hints?
> Petri
Maybe fix up DHCP
echo "your_route_goes_here" > /etc/init.d/myroute
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/myroute
sudo update-rc.d myroute defaults
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/28/07
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