Re: [Nolug] Macbook Air ad

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 14:34:54 -0600
Message-ID: <>

On 01/19/08 13:57, Jeremy (mailing list box) wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
> Like I said, I'm not getting one, but you have to consider the market
> this is going for - the ultra portable market. Everyone complains
> about it lacking an optical drive, but for its target group, the
> external drive tucked into the laptop back along with the Air is
> sufficient.
> It just seems that there is undue criticism from those that aren't in
> the Macbook Air's target market group.

The problem with the MBA is the same as with ebook readers: *really*
expensive, and not durable enough for the real world. A 9" drop
onto a sharp table corner, and there goes $2500. Those keys don't
look very pleasant-to-use, either.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA
"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian
because I hate vegetables!"
Nolug mailing list
Received on 01/19/08

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