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Email: joey@joeykelly.net
Project Descriptions
These are my humble projects. They are licensed
under the GPL copyleft.
That means that you can download the source code, use it, modify it, do
whatever you want to it --- provided you make available your modified
changes and post them for all to see. You may not tell anyone that you
wrote it, only that you modified it, and that you originally got it from
me. Please see the text of the GPL
license for more details.
A few of my projects are listed on freshmeat. |
This application (developer's wiki --- project files) is for technicians and others who make on-site service calls. Instead of writing up an invoice by hand, then entering the data into the computer back at the shop, then having the bookkeeper balance the account, this application lets you do everything in one step, in the client's office on the computer that you just finished fixing.
The application uses PHP and MySQL to allow the technician to securely log on to the server back at the shop, enter the data on an invoice form. Upon clicking the submit button, PHP inserts the data into the MySQL database and updates the books in real-time. The technician then sees a copy of the invoice automagically appear in the web browser, which he then prints out on the client's printer. The database can be searched by invoice number, client, date, etc.
I've set up a wiki for the project to track ongoing development.
The PHP Bible Search Tool is but the first step toward my larger goal, that of completing the comprehensive project known as the Shadow Reference Bible.
This application uses PHP to do advanced searches of the King James Bible. I hope to be putting up a MySQL database containing the entire text of the KJV soon, as a side benefit of the project.
This is my lifelong dream --- to write a Bible reference. Many others have done so, most notably Matthew Henry. My area of specialization with regard to bible scholarship is typology, or the study of types. Hence, the Shadow Reference Bible is just such a work --- a Bible study tool that hopefully helps the student to see the types in the Old Testament.
The application uses the PHP Bible Search Tool as a basis, and adds the ability to view the text of the Bible in a parallel fashion, along with Matthew Henry's text, and my own notes. This is a massive project, and I suppose that it will be a work-in-progress for years. I hope to have at least a basic framework or skeleton available posted here soon. If I am able to display the KJV and Matthew Henry in a parallel format, that in itself will be both usable and beneficial to christians. Adding my own notes may or may not be that beneficial, but I am content to allow the user to be the judge of that.
It is my aim to put this application on the web, and to also offer a pretty package for download (possibly for a fee --- hey, a man's gotta eat, y'know) and installation on the the end-user's computer for convenience' sake, when the application begins to take shape.
This application is licensed under the GPL, but it should be obvious that the code itself (the program that displays the texts) is what is licensed under the GPL --- the KJV Bible and Matthew Henry's text, while being free and/or in the public domain, are not under the GPL. My notes are my own, and will remain so, and are not subject to the GPL either. I will, of course, accept any criticisms or suggestions from those knowledgeable in the study of the Bible, but any and all resivions to my notes arising thereunto are also mine, and are not considered free software.
This application is meant to help tech support personnel keep tabs on their company's computers. Basic info (brand, chip speed, amount of RAM, serial numbers, etc.) is entered into the database following an inventory. User complaints and corresponding problem resolutions are then logged, along with upgrade info, etc.
I wrote this PHP command-line tool to parse LISTSERV digest archives and convert them to Linux mbox (mail spool) format.
Version 1.2 now obfuscates all email addresses in the archives. Please use listserv2mbox-nospam.ph if you're putting your archives on the web with hypermail or other web tool.
This one-off PHP script queries the Louisiana Do-Not-Call registry (which must reside on your server in order to work).
I've been struggling for years to find a way to display Nashville Notation via HTML, and finally hit upon a method that promises to do what I want , using ASCIIMathML.js.