Re: [Nolug] Gmail on your Desktop..

From: Scott Harney <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 14:34:30 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Yep. I use labels and filters extensively. There is no difference in doing
this with gmail vs thurnderbird. Or for that matter with mutt and
procmail. If you hate gmail, IMAPv4 and POP3 are free so you can organize
at with labels and filters and hit gmail via mutt or thunderbird if you

And that use "gmail as default mailer" works on linux too, though I've just
been pointing my mail helper app at a quick and dirty shell script for a
while now.

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Dustin Puryear <>

> I can see both sides of this.
> I, like Ron, sort/organize everything into folders and that's just how I'm
> wired now. That said, I can totally see how I now have tunnel vision that
> this is the only way, or even the best way, of doing things.
> --
> Dustin Puryear
> President and Sr. Consultant
> Puryear Information Technology, LLC
> 225-706-8414 x112
> Author, "Best Practices for Managing Linux and UNIX Servers"
> Ron Johnson wrote:
>> On 07/07/08 12:50, -ray wrote:
>>> On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Don't know about Hotmail, but when last I used Yahoo, it had
>>>> folders. There's no other way to organize multiple mailing lists.
>>> Nonsense... I organize many mailing lists in gmail. You create the
>>> filter to say skip the INBOX and file directly to this label.
>> So it goes into All Mail? I've got a hundred thousand emails...
>> But because that's impossible in Gmail, people give up. And FOSS
>>>> newbies don't know that there's a better way to organize data.
>>> Agreed... i felt the same. However once you let go of the "but i *need*
>>> folders" mentality, gmail labels are actually easier and more efficient
>>> than folders.
>> To take that a step further, I spoke to a Google guy at Educause last
>>> year. He said he doesn't even bother organizing into labels anymore...
>>> whenever he needs something he just searches for it. If the search is
>>> good enough to always find what you need, why waste time trying to
>>> organize it?
>> And if you aren't sure exactly what to search for?
>> That's why I like proper MUAs, which show thread nesting and have
>> folders.
>> Agree with Shannon... IMO gmail is the best free email out there.
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