HereOn 07/07/08 14:04, Petri Laihonen wrote:Ron Johnson wrote:On 07/07/08 12:50, -ray wrote:On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, Ron Johnson wrote:Don't know about Hotmail, but when last I used Yahoo, it had folders. There's no other way to organize multiple mailing lists.Nonsense... I organize many mailing lists in gmail. You create the filter to say skip the INBOX and file directly to this label.So it goes into All Mail? I've got a hundred thousand emails...I just installed a small javascript to my browser so that all Gmail labels AND sublabels are displayed same way in a tree as my thunderbird does when connecting via IMAP. I'm still going to use primarily thunderbird, at least for now. I'm used to organize stuff with it and all the folders in IMAP translate to gmail labels.I'd love to see a screenshot of that.
___________________ Nolug mailing list Received on 07/07/08I do not know how many e-mails I have, but over the weekend I was able to transfer only about 2.5 Gb of them, and still more to go. the utility I found, imapsync, seems to be dying when it hits to the "ghost" entries in my current mailbox. After I remove the "ghost" entries which apparently have only a header, but no body, it should be able to do syncing al lthe way through.But because that's impossible in Gmail, people give up. And FOSS newbies don't know that there's a better way to organize data.Agreed... i felt the same. However once you let go of the "but i *need* folders" mentality, gmail labels are actually easier and more efficient than folders. To take that a step further, I spoke to a Google guy at Educause last year. He said he doesn't even bother organizing into labels anymore... whenever he needs something he just searches for it. If the search is good enough to always find what you need, why waste time trying to organize it?And if you aren't sure exactly what to search for? That's why I like proper MUAs, which show thread nesting and have folders.Agree with Shannon... IMO gmail is the best free email out there.
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