Re: [Nolug] Introducing myself

From: Petri Laihonen <>
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2008 11:15:43 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 12/07/08 10:24, Friedrich Gurtler wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 3:25 AM, Ron Johnson <>
>> wrote:
>>> You can argue resource management all day long. However I take those
>>>> things into consideration. Most of my programs have very limited
>>>> client side footprints. I know throwing more hardware at a
>>>> performance issue is barbaric. But I have not had to go there yet.
>>>> We have SO MUCH head room on our infrastructure for our current
>>>> customer base... I can't see a reason to spend time making it more
>>>> efficient when I could spend time adding useful (to humans) code
>>>> instead.
>>> I *could* read that as "the hardware's so powerful, who gives a
>>> rat's arse
>>> about the quality of the source code".
>>> But I'm sure that's not what you meant... Is it?
>> I read that as "my goal is to provide value" which is what I want to
>> hear
>> from a developer.
>> Also, you seem to equate "quality of the source code" with efficiency
>> first. I tend to equate quality of the source code with correctness,
>> maintainability, some other stuff, then efficiency.
> (Aside: I was criticized in my younger days for writing "obvious"
> code, instead of "being clever". Mainly because I had to maintain
> clever code, and hated it.)
> Since I also value correctness and maintainability, we seem to be
> saying the same thing.
> But... as a DBA, I've (and rejected from production) seen lots of
> functionally correct, well-coded software that used horrible and/ or
> inappropriate algorithms that change the run in hours, when a correct
> algorithm would run in minutes or seconds.
> The programmers who consistently write such code are usually young,
> and always have little knowledge and or care about the "guts" (h/w,
> RDBMS, layout of data) of the system.
> That's why I get cranky when people dismiss knowing the h/w.
Is it the program code, or DB indexing.


I've learned this one hard way......

This reminds me about, how to hell does one learn about things you don't
know even exist....... The hard way, and with some luck and time.

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Received on 12/07/08

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