RE: [Nolug] RMS vs Cisco (Round 1 *ding*ding*)

From: John Souvestre <>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 17:46:54 -0600
Message-ID: <00d801c95e46$3ea76810$0a01010a@JohnS>

Hi Jeremy.

> No, only that it exploits the portion of copyright law that refers to
> derivative works in order to make the viral portion of the GPL
> permissible. My point was to take exception with the argument that the
> GPL somehow subverts or works around copyright. It seems to me that
> it uses the current copyright system to its advantage instead of
> seemingly correcting what is wrong with the system.

That the GPL license accomplish what it wants by using copyright law in a
straightforward manner seems like an endorsement of copyright law to me.

Or do you believe that there should be no allowance for authors who prefer other
terms? The current copyright system seems to allow for a wide range of options.
This seems good to me.

Let's hurry up and get this over with so we can move on to patent law,
trademarks, etc... :)



   John Souvestre - Integrated Data Systems - (504) 355-0609

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Received on 12/14/08

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