Re: [Nolug] Radius & Tacacs+

From: Dennis J Harrison Jr <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 15:30:56 -0600
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Jeremy (mailing list box)
<> wrote:
> Dennis J Harrison Jr wrote:
>> There are over 30 people who have write access to the git repos right
>> now. Many more write patches and concentrate on different system
>> within the samba project. One outdated sentence on a wiki is not the
>> collective opinion of all those people.
> Then THEY should update the FAQ on THEIR official site. You are barking up
> the wrong tree.
They most likely made the statement to stop people from complaining to
them for every little problem.
That statement is not the definitive on whether or not Samba4 works with GPOs

>> But you should have a reason other then some blanket statement.
> When an official source of information from the development team says the
> software is not ready for production, I believe it.
Production of what? What do you believe doesn't work that you would
use in a production environment?

>> So what are you 100% sure of?
> That's immaterial to the discussion at hand.
Not at all. I was going to parallel some examples for you.

>> No, I am complaining because your ivory tower mentality should at
>> least be coupled with the ability to bring forward progress.
> Give me a break. Ivory tower mentality? I'm not the one that is out of
> touch with the way this all works. The computing world is not some Utopian
> dream world where all of the users have the time or the ability to
> understand, debug or patch the software they are using.
Not all users, you.

> You want to call that realization an ivory tower mentality, fine, that's
> your prerogative; I call it knowing the average user/customer better than
> you do.
What information do you have that would suggest you understanding
(what aspect?) of the 'average' user/customer better / worse then

>> Which is why you have a responsibility to make it work 'better'. If
>> you can do something to improve a situation, you should.
> Frankly, you are in no position to tell me what I should be doing. My
> responsibility is to keep networks and systems running, like the others who
> keep the networks and systems running that enable you to post on this list.
> Glad to know that ungrateful people like you think you know what folks
> like I should be doing with our time.
Keeping something running. That isn't progressive enough. What are
you doing to make technology more transparent and augmentative to
every day life?
Besides, don't think for a second I don't fully understand the
infrastructure in place to allow me to use a mailing list. I would
love for you to test my level of knowledge. Go ahead, try and stump

>> Unless you have ANY SHRED of proof towards me foisting anything to
>> anyone, then keep your libel to yourself.
> Contrary to what your believe, there has been no libel. Look it up.
Trying to paint me in the light of an irresponsible know-nothing who
doesn't understand the realities of 'something that works' would
certainly be libel. As it is written. Now the things you likely say
about me in personal conversation (especially at this point ;p) would
probably be slander.

>> Bring some meat into this, bring in some facts... Something other then
>> conjecture. I don't know how to fix a problem you won't define.
>> If you are saying that Samba4 doesn't work as described, you're wrong.
> Find an example of me stating, in my own words, that Samba 4 _does not
> work_. You'll find none. So I would kindly ask that you stop making
> things up to fit your agenda. There is a huge difference between saying
> something does not work and that something is not ready for a production
> environment.
Kindly, my ass. And if something works as it should to be used in
production, what makes it not ready for production? Testing? Unicorn
farts? A blessing from the Holy See?

> You want to whine and complain and throw a childish temper tantrum because
> someone reads a statement on an OFFICIAL site regarding the status of a
> project, a statement that by your "judgment" is incorrect, then take
> exception with the source of that information - the Samba project.
I am trying to get you to think further into the problem. You are
resisting vehemently. I did my part to try and help. Of course I
took some digs and potshots at you as well along the way. I am not a
patient teacher. Oh well. You can have it then :)

I was going to put some snarky final comment here, but instead I ask
that you just pick the one that would piss you off the most and apply
that instead.

Eh, mostly kidding on that last one. I am confrontational, but I
don't actually think you are an idiot, nor do I really take this stuff
personally (for long).

Seriously though, you suck :)

> J
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