Re: [Nolug] Co-Working Spaces... In a similar category as Hackspaces

From: Jess Planck <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 09:07:40 -0600
Message-Id: <>

I was going to mention the Net2NO folks last week when I was following
this thread.

I attended the last Net2NO meetup at the Bridge Lounge. Next one is
Feb. 3rd.

Chris Schultz was at the last one, I didn't get to talk to him. He's
behind Voodoo ventures.

The folks from GNO inc were there talking about the Digital Media

The GNO Digital Media Alliance have a Ning site at:

If you are thinking about technical co-working spaces, these folks
might be interested. I don't know any of these orgs well enough, but
they may have some suggestions, or know others trying to do the same


PS. I am still planning to attend a NOlug meeting this year. Not quite
a resolution, but I am promising myself more "real-world" meetings
with "real-people" this year. Besides, my wife says I need an
occasional geek environment because my outbursts of techo-crap give
her migraines. Of course we only have one truly road worthy car to
make the trip to NO fro Houma.

On Jan 24, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Simon Dorfman wrote:

> I recently learned about a coworking group in New Orleans. They
> have a group:

Nolug mailing list
Received on 01/25/09

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