On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Mark A. Hershberger <mah@everybody.org>wrote:
> Jonathan Roberts <gremln007@gmail.com> writes:
> > Do you really see the costs equaling out?
> I do. There are published news stories about companies selling or
> abandoning their Indian outsourcing centers because the cost has risen
> too much. I've talked with several immigrants about this and they all
> agree that this is happening.
> China is competing with India for jobs now, too, and they're cheaper
> (for the while) still.
> Here in the States, we have seen some wage stagnation, which may be
> partly caused by outsourcing, but I don't think there's been any real
> job loss or wage depression.
> > I am surprised that this is the case but I'm not familiar with Indian
> > outsourcing and don't want to be..
> I'm not involved in outsourcing, but I've read plenty about it and I
> have friends involved in it. As a contractor, I've worked with and
> competed against Indian and Eastern European contractors, so I have some
> familiarity with what skills they offer and the cost involved.
> > On a related note, do pensions still exist in the real world?!
> I just threw that in. I don't know ;)
> Mark.
Thanks, Mark. It's always good to keep abreast of these things.
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