Re: [Nolug] [Fwd: Network/Systems Engineer -NYC-#2762***REVISED***]

From: Shannon Roddy <>
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 10:32:32 +1800
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Mark A. Hershberger <> wrote:
> Ron Johnson <> writes:
>> Besides, taxes are outrageously high in NY & NJ, and there are a
>> jillion things you just can't do up there.  They've really perfected
>> the Nanny State.
> But what is the effective difference?  How many of those “jillion”
> things do you actually do in the NOLA metro area?

Well, speaking for myself, I only go to N.O. when it is time to visit
family or take care of family obligations. *But*, an hour from N.O. I
regularly do lots of things I would not be able to dream of in NY
City. Including target shooting in my back yard, flying a private
plane without having to go through hours of ATC, etc. The list is
pretty endless of what I would not be able to do in NY. ;-)

I used to spend two hours a day on the road, sometimes twice if the
cell rang later that night. I decided I wasn't doing that any more.
Now my commute is only five minutes, and I could walk in that same
hour that I used to drive. The same would go for commuting on the
metro in DC, trains in the NE, etc. To heck with that.

I know people that work for a university in NYC, and the university
provides housing because there is no way a professor could afford to
rent/buy anywhere near the campus.

> (But, yeah, $75k is pretty lousy for NYC.)
> Mark.
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