Ben Bullard <> writes:
> Where to go to learn about web page design in Linux?
There really isn't much too it. Do you already know web design? I'll
assume you don't know anything about HTML at all, so we'll start there.
First, find a simple website. A good example is
<>. Next, view source. On Firefox,
this is Ctl-U. A new window will pop up with the source code for
that page.
Copy the text you see there and paste it into a text editor (gedit under
Ubuntu will do, for example) and save it as a file on your desktop as a
file with the “.html” extension.
Double clicking on the file you just saved should bring it up in your
web browser, but if it has images or styles in it, it probably won't
load correctly.
So, in your text editor, find the line that has <head> and add
<base href="">
after it. Click reload on your web browser and you should see
everything pop into place.
To find out what the <base> tag is doing, search for “base html
element”. The first hit or two will give you a good understanding or,
at least, a place to start.
Next do things like removing the pop-under code or adding arbitrary
text. Reload the page in the browser after you make changes in your
text editor and you'll see the page update before your eyes.
Get stuck? Ask a question here or search the web. Poke arund, explore,
ask questions, solve problems.
Thats about all there is to it.
-- Embrace Ignorance. Just don't get too attached. ___________________ Nolug mailing list nolug@nolug.orgReceived on 08/23/10
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