Between and you can learn (and practice)
a lot.
Jerry Wilborn
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Mark A. Hershberger <>wrote:
> Ben Bullard <> writes:
> > Where to go to learn about web page design in Linux?
> There really isn't much too it. Do you already know web design? I'll
> assume you don't know anything about HTML at all, so we'll start there.
> First, find a simple website. A good example is
> <>. Next, view source. On Firefox,
> this is Ctl-U. A new window will pop up with the source code for
> that page.
> Copy the text you see there and paste it into a text editor (gedit under
> Ubuntu will do, for example) and save it as a file on your desktop as a
> file with the “.html” extension.
> Double clicking on the file you just saved should bring it up in your
> web browser, but if it has images or styles in it, it probably won't
> load correctly.
> So, in your text editor, find the line that has <head> and add
> <base href="">
> after it. Click reload on your web browser and you should see
> everything pop into place.
> To find out what the <base> tag is doing, search for “base html
> element”. The first hit or two will give you a good understanding or,
> at least, a place to start.
> Next do things like removing the pop-under code or adding arbitrary
> text. Reload the page in the browser after you make changes in your
> text editor and you'll see the page update before your eyes.
> Get stuck? Ask a question here or search the web. Poke arund, explore,
> ask questions, solve problems.
> Thats about all there is to it.
> Mark.
> --
> Embrace Ignorance. Just don't get too attached.
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