On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:
> On 04/10/2011 09:54 PM, Clint Billedeaux wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Ron Johnson<ron.l.johnson@cox.net>
>> wrote:
> [snip]
>>> You left wingers think that you're smarter/wiser/better educated/holier
>>> than everyone else, yet I see nothing but emotional outbursts and angry
>>> rhetoric from you all.
>>> see. I love how I have to fit into a box. Especially a left wing box
>> just
>> because I don't need the 5th grade civics/free enterprising lecture.
>> Can't
> 5th Grade Civics is too facile for the complex society we live in.
> And (as much as I wish otherwise) there are billions too many people in the
> world willing to work really hard for stunningly low wages for Americans to
> complain about low wages or poor working conditions.
> a man ask for better from you without you calling him a left-wing elitist,
> Only if he already knows why networking companies hire installers as
> individual contractors to work nights, weekends and holidays.
Dear God, if only. These bastards want me to show up during the regular
workday as if I don't have anything to do but wait and see what scraps they
want to throw me. You want work done, give it to me. I'll work all weekend
and every evening to make a buck. It's not the work or the hours, it's the
fact that I have to flexible enough that they can call me at anytime on the
24 hour clock and expect me to drop what I'm doing to go fix their machines
or heaven forbid plug one in cause someone kicked a damn cord. But don't
worry about all the time I could have been giving to real employer or at
least a flexible one. But I should have said nothing, cause now someone is
all butthurt about me asking some questions about the job posting here
hoping to spark a discussion about the field. Perhaps influence some
opinions about how working relationships could be better maintained if
"flexible" didn't mean "booty call and pronto".
No...all I really get out of it is the Great Ron Johnson calling me a
welfare case and insulting my intelligence with "supply and demand" rhetoric
that I could pick up on any radio with decent reception between the hours of
9am and 5pm.
> or are you just too lazy to have original thoughts?
> Who was the last person to have a truly original thought regarding politics
> and economics?
Not the founding fathers. You can thank Jean-Jacques Rousseau for his
influence on the Declaration of Independence. Only real difference was he
had actually had the balls to say "Life, Liberty, and Property" None of
that pursuit of happiness liberal namby pamby PC speak.
>> (We right-wing neo-con evil, fascist, racist, sexist, homophobic, in-bred
>>> Republicans who want blacks, browns and old people to starve while
>>> millionaires become billionaires are *obviously* too stupid to form
>>> rational
>>> thoughts and so it is expected that we do nothing but parrot angry
>>> conservative rhetoric.)
>> Oh...there's an excuse for the lazy "copy and paste a Rush Limbaugh
>> monologue"
> You seem to know a lot about Limbaugh.
> Anyway, a good, pretty accurate sound bite is too good to pass up.
> approach to boring someone who wants to talk about solutions.
> There are no solutions that won't enrage half the population.
> It's because you're expected to do it that you do it. Self-fulfilling
>> prophecy he says. Great. You know what. It's 10pm on Sunday. When I
>> wake
>> up, I want to talk linux. Not suffer the right wing martyr complex.
>> It's funny that your signature talks about corrupt manners when you
>> yourself
>> began answering this thread with rude and common rhetoric. You sir, are
>> no
>> gentleman, and you're a far cry from patriotic. Stick thumb in your
>> drive.
> I'm grey-haired and grumpy.
> --
> "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
> the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
> corrupt."
> Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749
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